The Online Courses are step-by-step educational programs designed to give you practical help, all accessible online so you can work them around your work and life schedule. Some are individual 10-week Units, others are fully accredited Diplomas.
We have Full Diploma Courses with free Industry Support Programs available (16 Units per year). These units are transferable as RPL (Recognised Prior Learning) to fast track your Bachelor of Music Degree. The Diploma of Music Industry has Govt. Fee HELP avaialable upon application.
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We also offer an exciting new range of individual units which form 10-week online courses in their own right.
These are designed to be flexible, achievable, and best taken together your musical band or group. This way, it shares the workload and you will also synergetically progress as a musical unit.
Successfully completed units (if not already accredited) can be accredited later by application and with an additional fee. See the table below for a list of the courses and which have accreditaion separated for payment at a later date (if desired).
Units with accreditation included upfront (those hosted by Alphacrucis) also have Govt. Fee HELP available upon application. See the table below for more infomation.
What are the Online Courses?